Scents of Direction

This is what I think...
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
I tried not to laugh out loud but eventually settled for the old "pretending I was coughing" routine...

I had to attend a safety briefing this morning, part of the brief was concerning rats*

Him: Rats are by nature Neophobic
Her: Does that mean they don't like bright orange and stuff?
Him: Er, no. It means they don't like going to new places.

A classic.

* It's a big civil engineering project involving bridges over rivers and streams, in one place there is a huge infestation of rats which is not being helped by some old nutter who has been feeding them for years. I'm told that these rats are bigger than most cats and number in the hundreds. Weils Disease is the main concern, I used to work with a chap who caught that, he convinced me that I really don't want it.
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